It was great to have our entire family with us for our
farewell sacrament meeting and setting apart on October 26. We are also grateful for the other family and
friends that joined us.
On November 3 we drove to the MTC and checked in. It wasn’t the same process as we went through
with our kids. We stayed at the Wyview
Family Housing, which was about a mile from the MTC, so it was a short commute
every day. There were about 45 couples
and 9 single sisters that started with us.
There were more MLS (Member and Leader Support) missionaries than the
other types. But there was quite a
variety of calls, including humanitarian, record retention, stay at home M/LS,
family history center, employment center, office support, PEF (perpetual
education fund/self reliance), medical, and welfare. They were going to all areas of the
world. One couple was going to Iraq.
We met Zach Ashton from our ward in the MTC on our first
day. It was his last week before leaving
to Moscow, Russia. He was in my sunbeam
class 14 years ago, and was our home teacher just before he left.
Our first week at the MTC was focused on learning how to
teach from “Preach My Gospel.” They
divided us into districts of 8 for our classes.
We were impressed with the power of the message and the teaching
program. We did role plays within our
district and with volunteer “investigators” who came to give us some good
practice. It was a little stressful,
certainly not as easy as just listening to lectures.
On P-Day we got to go to a BYU basketball game. We were standing in line to buy tickets and a
man came up to us and gave us tickets.
Curtis has decided to start dressing as a missionary when he needs
tickets. We were able to see friends
from our ward—the Hobby’s, Smart’s, and Larsen’s. After the game we saw my cousin, Curt
Collard. We had seen him in Arizona last
winter just after he had gone through chemo and white blood cell transfusion,
so it was wonderful to see him in a greatly improved situation.
We were also able to go to the Hindu exhibit at the BYU
museum, and learn more about the India culture.
They have many Gods. One of the
principal gods has been reincarnated 10 times.
He lived some of his earlier lives as animals. He was Krishna in his seventh life (or
avatar) and Budda in his tenth. They
believe he will come back again at the end of the world.
Our visas didn’t come as hoped, so we stayed in the MTC for
a second week. We decided to attend the
office training classes, as our mission president said he may ask us to serve
in the office for part of our mission.
We were joined by 3 other couples.
The Birch’s are from Idaho Falls and going to Calgary. They were the youngest senior missionaries
there. They are in their early 50’s and
taking a year sabbatical from his Optometrist practice to serve. The Keele’s are going to Ghana. The Shelton’s are going to Bakersfield.